Man Up and Embrace God’s Plan

Love and War Week #3

Man Up and Embrace God’s Plan

Genesis 3:6-9

Three questions that every man is asking or will ask at some point in his life:

The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it, too. Genesis 3:6

1. Do I have what it takes?

To be a man

To be a good husband

To be a dad

To be a good follower of Jesus

2. Can I trust you?

As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. Proverbs 27:17

Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life. Proverbs 31:11

3. Is it too late?

It’s not too late if you understand 2 things:

a. Get honest with God

This poor man called, and the Lord heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles. Psalm 34:6 (NIV)

b. Surrender everything to Jesus

At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves. 8 When the cool evening breezes were blowing, the man and his wife heard the Lord God walking about in the garden. So they hid from the Lord God among the trees. 9 Then the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” Genesis 3:7-9