Hey Now, It’s Your Birthday

Great Expectations – Week #3
Hey Now, It’s Your Birthday
2 Kings 5:9-14

When did you surrender your life to Jesus?

  • The only thing we contribute to our salvation is the sin that made it necessary

So Naaman went with his horses and chariots and waited at the door of Elisha’s house. 10 But Elisha sent a messenger out to him with this message: “Go and wash yourself seven times in the Jordan River. Then your skin will be restored, and you will be healed of your leprosy.” 2 Kings 5:9-10

When you surrender your life to Jesus, life doesn’t become easier, but you become stronger

But Naaman became angry and stalked away. “I thought he would certainly come out to meet me!” he said. “I expected him to wave his hand over the leprosy and call on the name of the Lord his God and heal me! 12 Aren’t the rivers of Damascus, the Abana and the Pharpar, better than any of the rivers of Israel? Why shouldn’t I wash in them and be healed?” So Naaman turned and went away in a rage. 2 Kings 5:11-12

If you don’t deal with your anger, it will turn to rage

You can be sincere and sincerely wrong at the same time

But his officers tried to reason with him and said, “Sir, if the prophet had told you to do something very difficult, wouldn’t you have done it? So you should certainly obey him when he says simply, ‘Go and wash and be cured!’”2 Kings 5:13

Our next step with Jesus isn’t always easy, but it’s always simple

So Naaman went down to the Jordan River and dipped himself seven times, as the man of God had instructed him. And his skin became as healthy as the skin of a young child, and he was healed! 2 Kings 5:14

Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.” John 3:3