Week of March 23, 2025

Here’s what’s happening at Central Church:

1) Our Easter Egg Drop is April 19! You can donate by going to centralgive.com. Donations help buy the prizes given away at this HUGE community outreach event. Please donate by April 6.

2) Have you signed up for EGG STUFFING for the Egg Drop? Join us on Monday, March 31 & Tuesday, April 1 at the Outreach Center (927 N. Carroll) from 6:30-8:30pm. Sign up at yourcentralchurch.com/eggstuff (Food provided)

3) Join us April 6th for our Breakfast Sunday! We’re serving pancakes, eggs and sausage. This is a good opportunity to invite boldly.

Celebrate Recovery meets at Central Mondays, with an optional meal served at 5:30 & worship at 6:30. Childcare is provided!

Visit yourcentralchurch.com/groups for Connect Groups info. Today is your last chance to sign up for The Biggest Loser – email [email protected] to join.